Thursday 14 January 2016

The Amulet of the Pantheon

The defeat of the Pantheon to the might of The Mockery left the old religion in ruins and many of the deities essentially dead. Their shattered fragments were banished from the mortal realm, but they managed to navigate the hostile dimensional planes and found safety inside the amulet of one of their most devout followers, Grimbold. There the old gods, both good and evil, partially regathered themselves and waited to be reforged into their former selves.

Grimbold followed the teachings of the Raven Queen, Goddess of Death in the Pantheon, and wore an amulet that was imbued with the soul of one of her unnamed saints. Grimbold gave up their divine powers while the amulet's soul sacrificed itself completely so that the fragments of the old God's could find a temporary home within the amulet. Unfortunately the defeat has left the individual personalities of the Gods completely shattered so that what remains are the raw emotions and ideologies of those Gods but without any of their purpose.

The nascent essences of the Gods now compete for dominance, struggling with each other to come out on top. Their struggles are heavily influenced by what occurs immediately around them, and by the choices of their bearer. For instance deadly combat favours the war gods Kord and Bane, while appreciation of the arts favours Korellon. The most dominant ideologies have a significant influence on the magical powers that the amulet will bestow upon it's bearer.

The Gods and their Ideologies

Over half of the Gods in the Pantheon fell, and their personalities were shattered. They only partially remain inside of the amulet, and are heavily influenced by their environment. They are, in alphabetical order:

Asomodeus was the most powerful evil God of the Pantheon, and represented raw power and pride. He is influenced by any actions that significantly increase the power of the bearer (whether through acts good or ill), and in taking pride in that works.

Bahumat was the leader of the Gods of good as he represented Justice and Honour. He is influenced by actions that are exceedingly just and honorable, and where the bearer abides by the law of the land and follows a strict honour code.

Bane was the evil God of War, and he always lusted after complete domination of his enemies. He is influenced by victorious combat, the subjugation of enemies and the conquering of their land.

Bukalos was an evil Goddess that thrived on disaster and pain. She is influenced through illness, averse weather conditions and disasters of any nature.

Erathis was a Goddess of Civilisation who sought to bring order to the masses. She thrives on orderly bureaucracy and peace.

Gruumsh was the evil God of Wrath, and had an insatiable appetite for destruction. He thrives on any type of destruction that was caused intentionally.

Ioun was the God of Magic, and spent eternity studying the nature of the universe. He is influenced by dedicated study and the use of magic.

Kord was the good God of War, and thrives on the battlefield. He is influenced by combat and feats of physical prowess.

Korellon was the God of Freedom, and appreciated natural beauty in all of its forms. He thrives on art, liberty and individual freedom.

Lloth was the evil Goddess of Treachery, and is influenced by lies and deceit.

Melora was the Goddess of Nature, and is influenced by the wilderness and the sea. She is influenced through any act that would protect nature.

Moradin was the God of Creation, and is the patron of all craftsmen. He is influenced when anything new is created.

Pelor was the God of the Sun, and is the patron of farmers and commoners. He is influenced through any act that would protect farmsteads and the common people.

And the Raven Queen was the Goddess of Death. She is influenced through proper burial procedures and the destruction of the undead.

Powers of the Amulet

The amulet starts off with the following powers:

  1. While attuned to the Amulet, the bearer can use an action to case Cure Wounds. After the bearer casts the spell, they roll a d6. On a roll of 1-5, the bearer cannot cast the spell again until the next dawn.
  2. While attuned to the Amulet, the bearer can use an action to case Heal. After the bearer casts the spell, they roll a d6. On a roll of 1-5, the bearer cannot cast the spell again until the next dawn.
  3. When you cast a spell using the Amulet, there is a 10 percent chance that you attract the attention of The Mockery. The Mockery sends an avatar to wrest the Amulet from you. The avatar has the same alignment as its creator and the statistics of an Empyrean. Once it obtains the artifact, the avatar vanishes.

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