Sunday 31 January 2016

D&D Adventure: Breaking into prison

This adventure uses some of my personal home-brew, including the Samurai, and is set in my home-brewed world of Nuovo Arkhosia (map). This is all mere fluff, and the Samurai can be replaced by Knights in the monster manual.

The Gaolers Keep is found just outside Dessingrove City, along the inner part of the wall that separates the Empire from the Wasteland. It is a fairly small fortress, only meant to temporarily hold prisoners before they are transferred and exiled into the Wasteland.

Prison Grove, it is mockingly called by the locals.

The Keep also has something of interest to the party; a political prisoner (and family relative). Angus was a prominent figure in the resistance to the Empire, leading a campaign of sabotage and subterfuge against the Herald of the new God, Artor Keler-Vonstahp. Eventually a peace was struck between the residents of the wasteland and the Empire, but only if Angus became a hostage as part of the truce. For peace and his family, Angus willingly gave up his freedom to secure the truce.

Why does the party wants to break Angus out of prison?

The party were sent by the old Gods to remove the heresy of the new religion, but are seen as relative unknowns in this land. Angus was a fervent believer of the Old Gods, and is a legendary hero to the people of the wasteland. Securing Angus may be just the thing the party needs to become legitimate in the people's eyes.

Where is Gaoler's Keep, and what does it look like?

The Keep is located approximately 1 km south of Dessingrove city on the eastern side of Artor's Wall, the wall that separates the Empire from the Wasteland. Part of the Wall is integrated into the Keep. No other buildings or settlements are allowed to be built near the Keep to ensure the prison's integrity.

Map of the prison

The heavily guarded entrance to the Keep is located to the north-east, and immediately leads into the Administration room where prisoners are checked in and out. The entrance is magically constructed as such that only one door can be open at any single moment. This ensures that prisoners or visitors cannot just rush in or out.

The Admin room leads into the main corridor, which is segmented into three main parts. The corridor, like the entrance, is magically constructed so that neither gate or the kitchen can be open at the same time.

The large open space to the south of the corridor, or the Yard, has multiple uses. It is used to train the guards, provide leisure time for well-behaved prisoners, and as an execution area for summary punishment. The Record Room is located just to the south-east of the Yard, and is where all records of prisoners are kept until release.

The two rooms to the north of the main corridor are for the use of the guards. The red rooms are known as the Officer's Quarters, while the other room is known as the Guard's Mess. The Guard's Mess is where the Guards spend their break, and also doubles as an armoury.

The largest room in the Officer's Quarters is the Warden's Office, who overseas the administration of the whole prison. The left room is the Captain's Office, who is in charge of all guard related matters. The right room is the Chaplain's office, who is required to be on hand to serve the prison's religious needs.

The Kitchen and Prisoner's Mess are located to the south of the Officer's Quarters. The Kitchen is largely run and staffed by the prisoner's themselves so as to save on costs.

The final room is the Cell Block, where all the prisoners are located. There are 14 single cells and 2 bulk cells. 

All of the walls, floors and ceilings have been inscribed with runes to prevent the use of magic. The Captain and the Warden also have magical staves that when planted generate an anti-magic field around them. Only the yard is considered mildly safe to use magic, but the interrupted flow means that every single spell cast will cause a Wild Magic surge.

The NPCs

Warden Gavin Delson
Human, Samurai / Knight
The Warden is a minor member of the Delson noble family, and has been stuck running this prison for the past 20 years. His workaholic habits led his wife to leave him 5 years ago, and he’s done nothing but throw himself more into his work and alcohol. He sold his house in Dessingrove and set up a bare-bones cot in his office, and traded his horse to pay off his tab at the local taverns. Many of the prisoners who have been around for an extended time get along great with him and consider him a friend.

Captain Bronzefist
Dwarf, Samurai / Knight
Bronzefist is an exiled dwarf from the Wawmar Mountains, and has sort to make his mark on the new empire. He has risen high in Gaoler's Keep, and is now in charge of all guards. Relatively new to the prison in dwarf terms (15 years), Bronzefist has gotten to know almost all of the inmates fairly well. Even though his philosophy is that prison is a place for rehabilitation, he does not get along well with most of the prisoners. He, more so than the Warden, is seen as the gatekeeper by the inmates. Nearly all of the long-term prisoners hate him, and their attitude bleeds down to the newer inmates.

Chaplain Agnar
The prison's resident cleric. He is pale like a ghost and always has bags under his eyes. The guy looks like he hasn't slept in a while. He usually handles all administrative work.

Jeremy (Guard)
This black-haired, grey-green-eyed man has a fragile build and heavy, plain face. He is naive and quirky, and is interested mainly in money.

Riley (Guard)
This strawberry blond-haired, grey-eyed woman has a slender build. She is self-righteous, and is interested in romance and clothes. Way tougher than she looks.

Vidhi (Guard)
This man is a cold-hearted guard who is usually inconsiderate. He has dull grey hair, blue eyes, and brown skin. He is rotund with a thin face.

The Prisoners

A 52-year old man serving out a life sentence, Angus has been around since the Warden came into the job. He largely keeps to himself, and his status as a revolutionary means he garners some respect from the other prisoners.

Amos Caely
Mr. Caely, as he is referred to by nearly all of the inmates, is the most connected man in Gaoler's Keep. Nearly everyone owes him a favour. It is quite possible to suppose that he’s also incredibly well connected in Dessingrove. It is well known that he wouldn't be doing ANY time if it wasn't for a particular guardsmen that managed to witness Amos overseeing a drug deal. Amos is serving 10 years, 3 of which have passed.

Eldridge and Rocky
Mr. Caely’s left and right hand men. They worked for him before getting thrown in Gaoler's Keep, and continue to do so now. These two brutes are never too far away from their boss, and are willing to put up a fight for him, or take the blame when he gets a finger pointed at him.

Other Prisoners
Most of the other prisoners are simply on their way to being exiled into the wasteland. They are generally political or religious prisoners.

Some notes about the prison

Guard shift change
Most guards live in Dessingrove, and usually work for the full day. The shift changes at dawn. A minimum of four guards (not including the captain) is required to maintain the prison. There is always at least one guards patrolling the walls (accessible from the yard near the record room). One guard watches over the prisoners in the Cell block, however protocol dictates that two guards is required to manoeuvre prisoners around. Finally, one guard patrols the rest of the prison while the last one is on his break in the Guard's mess.

Food, water and supplies
Most of the work is done by the prisoners (or at a stretch, the guards themselves). Food and supplies are brought on a weekly basis through the entrance. Water is brought daily.

Visitors are strictly not allowed.

A magical alarm has been set up that is link to the main Dessingrove guard barracks. It can be set off in any of the Officer's Rooms. It should take roughly 10 minutes for back-up to arrive.

Some useful references

Use these rules:

Some useful skills checks:

Sample adventure:

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