Sunday, 26 June 2016

Game Intro: Mage Tower

From last session.....

The party are leaders of a fledgling resistance against the Herald and his powerful new god, the White Star. The party has traveled the land in an attempt to seek aid and forge new alliances with the Dwarves and Elves, but these ancient races are mired in problems of their own. Only a significant event can rally these disparate groups together against the new popular religion.

In the meantime, the resistance have scrapped together a secret village hideout under the watchful eye of the former rebel, Angus. Together with the shady yet charismatic Amos Caely they have begun to spin a web of spies and informers that stretch out across the Empire. The ambassador of the elvish Wilder Wood, Mialee Liadon, has recently arrived and promises to use her magic to help the resistance, and the dwarves from Kale have nearly finished their network of underground tunnels under the village of Villageham (ably re-hydrated by the flamboyant Bolgar).

The party have entered the city of Dragonspur, the capital of the Empire of Nuovo Arkhosia, without incident (surprisingly) and immediately began to search for the famous blacksmith Drake Johnson, a former associate of Ceasus. They managed to track down his workshop but the magical blacksmith was nowhere to be found. Instead they found research notes for a sword and shield combination that has some decidedly explosive results.

Suddenly the party was ambushed by some drow while resting at Amos' safe-house at the city's edge. The drow were wielding some of the explosive weapons, presumably made by Drake, but they also had a magical rod that seemed to rip the soul out of weakened mortals and then revived them as ghostly warriors. One of the drow managed to escape with the rod when the shields underwent spontaneous combustion, leaving the safe-house damaged and burning. It was here that the monk-for-hire Isa joined the party after she assassinated the atheistic cultist that had betrayed the party.

The party were about to be cornered as the back-up began to arrive, but Jinn was able to create a diversion by starting a fire on a distant building. The quick thinking of Ceasus made the panicked villagers think that the fire was caused by extremists of the White Star. Other villagers were able to see the slow clunking of Arkaxus retreating into the night, and now believe that the fire was caused by the Dragonborn. A riot brewed, lit up by the flames of burning city.

Regardless, the new party member Isa was able to find a safe retreat for the party to revive themselves. Talk started about what to do next, and Jinn brought up the mission of retrieving the Green Orb for the dragon Duskinicin. What better time than now to storm the Empire's magic tower, while the rest of the city's forces deals with the citizen's riot?

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