Wednesday 23 December 2015

Templar Code of Honour

Ever since the old gods died to treachery, it has been the responsibility of all mortals to govern in their stead. And it is as such that we, the remnants of the old temples, decree the creation of the Templar Order.

The duty given to the Templars is great, and lest they become corrupted by their power we shall impose upon them a Code of Honour to guide their actions. Let any Templar who breaks this code be cast out naked into the night to face the horrors alone.

The Virtues

  1. Justice. A Templar vows to decide upon a course of action with reason, to die when to die is right, and to strike when to strike is right. Justice is the skeleton of the Templar; without bones the head cannot rest on the spine, nor hands move or feet stand. Without Justice neither talent nor learning can make a mortal into a Templar.
  2.  Courage. A Templar must not only perceive what is right but also have the courage to do what is right. Bravery only counts if it is exercised in the cause of Justice and Righteousness.
  3. Mercy. A Templar is imbued with the power to kill, but they must temper that power with mercy. The Templar must show love, sympathy and pity for their fellow mortals lest they fall into hubris and evil.
  4. Sincerity. The Templar must have the courage to speak and act truly about their own feelings, beliefs, thoughts and desires. To be true to others is to be true to oneself, and in that truth is the path towards becoming a true Templar.
  5. Politeness. The Templar will always express a benevolent regard for the feelings of others. Courtesy and good manners are only counted as a virtue if it is not motivated by a fear of offending good taste.
  6. Loyalty. The Templar Order is charged with bringing order upon the mortal realm, and to achieve that it must have the utter devotion of the Templars. The ties that bind us together will allow mere mortals defeat the forces of evil.
  7. Self-Control. The Templar must have an absolute moral standard that transcends logic. What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong. Do not allow others to cloud the standards which has been given to you to uphold.

The Codes

  1. To protect the weak and defenceless
  2. To give succour to widows and orphans
  3. To refrain from purposely giving offence
  4. To despise monetary rewards
  5. To fight for the welfare of all
  6. To obey those placed in authority
  7. To guard the honour of fellow Templars
  8. Abstain from unfairness, meanness and deceit
  9. At all times speak the truth
  10. To preserve to the end any promise made
  11. To respect the honour of the common folk
  12. Never refuse a challenge for combat from a Templar of equal standing
  13. Never turn your back on your enemy

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